School for Advanced Studies
In order to qualify for enrollment in SAS, as student must meet the following qualifications
Each student must be verified by the school of attendance as meeting one of the following three criteria:
1. Demonstrate ability in all four critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in their primary language.
2. Percentile scores of 85 or above in both total reading and total mathematics on standardized norm-reference tests or --2021 SBAC assessment scores of "Standard Exceeded" in both ELA and Math.
Total Reading in ELA: _____ and Total Math: ______ OR
Reading Composite: _____ and Math Composite: _____ OR
Verbal Reasoning: _____ and Quantitative Reasoning: _____
3. Identification as gifted in any of the categories outlined by LAUSD. |
To apply to an SAS site for the 2022-2023 school year the parent/guardian may complete the application online at GoTo.Lausd.Net or the Choices brochure contains the application for SAS sites and is available October 1, 2020.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian of private school, independent charter, and non-L.A. Unified students to verify that the student’s current school of attendance has submitted the Verification of Eligibility form and the Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) Kindergarten Readiness Checklist. Deadlines for applications will be available shortly.
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Choices Timeline: Click here
Link to Verification Forms:
Affiliated Charter Sites with SAS Designation:
Student selection, enrollment, and placement in the site’s SAS gifted/talented program at affiliated charter schools must be conducted in accordance with State and District legal requirements established for charter schools. For affiliated charter SAS enrollment procedures, contact the school directly.
List of SAS Sites:
LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTHeadquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Phone: (213) 241-1000